How to Plan a Pre-K Unit Study
This year I really think we found what works for us in our homeschool. I’ve come to find that we learn best with unit studies. Because of this, I created a unit study planner to supplement my awesome Create 365 planner that I use. I love my planner but it wasn’t quite what I needed for planning my unit studies.
I have to confess I have a planner obsession.
I have at least 5 in use at any given time. That does not even include my Google Calendar! I am a total Type B mom and having things written down everywhere (and I mean everywhere) has helped me tremendously.
I have at least 5 different planners in use at any given time. That does not even include my Google Calendar! I am a total Type B mom and having things written down everywhere, and I mean everywhere, has helped me tremendously.

What is a unit study? Unit Studies focus on one subject of interest and then you try to tie in the rest of the subjects to match. A unit study can be on a number of topics, really anything. We have done studies on books, animals, places, people. Your homeschool world is full of possibilities.
Most unit studies use books, snacks, activities and trips to supplement the unit study itself. I personally think unit studies are the best way for my little Boober to learn.
We are doing a unit study on volcanoes this coming week and I am so excited to do our first lapbook with this unit study! I can not wait to post our plans next week. We have a great fun filled unit study planned.In the meantime here are some resources to get you started this year!