Weekly Lesson Guide: Farm Unit Study
This coming week we will be doing a farm theme. We will be learning about animals that live on the farm and doing fun activities related to the farm. My lesson guides are always planned for both my tot, and preschooler so you can follow along with the lesson plan that suits your needs best. The farm theme is for both Boober (my son, the preschooler) and Mokey (my daughter, the tot).
Both Boober and Mokey will be doing the following things together:
Eating/Drinking these snacks: Scrambled Egg breakfast wrap, farm fresh roast veggie sandwich, Milk, and pick your own berries.
These activities:
Diving into these free or cheap kindle books together:
Watching these shows or movies on Netflix together: Peg + Cat: Season 1 Episode 101 The Chicken Problem!; Magic School Bus: Season 3 Episode 1: In a Beehive and Season 4 Episode 2: Cracks a Yolk
Singing this Circle Time Songs together: Old MacDonald had a Farm and BINGO was his Name-o
Tell these Circle Time Jokes:
A. Because the corn has ears and the potatoes have eyes
A. Fry-day
A. He was in a pickle
For the Tot:
Language Arts: Letter F
Weekly Color: Green
Math: Counting 1-3 again, repetition is very important.
For the Preschooler:
Math: Skip Counting by 10’s
Science: Stinkbug Mini Unit study packet.

Language Arts: Letter Review M-P
All together as a family: For our weekly theme wrap up we will pop some popcorn and sit down a watch Martha Speaks Season 1 Episode 5: Martha Down on the Farm.
Printable packs used for the Tot and Preschool are from Cassie at 3 Dinosaurs: